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Land Run OKC Gun Club Saloon

What is Cowboy Action Shooting?

Cowboy Action Shooting is a multifaceted shooting sport in which contestants compete with firearms typical of those used in the taming of the Old West.

The Equipment

Firearms include single action revolvers (calibers .32 to .45), lever action rifles (calibers .25 to .45 long colt), and side-by side double barrel or pre-1899 pump or lever action shotguns (12, 16 or 20 gauge). One exception to this is that children under the age of 13 (referred to as a Buckaroo or Buckarette in the sport) are allowed to use .22s and 410s.

The Clothing

The shooting competition is staged on a unique Old West style. Cowboy attire is required, which is anything from boots and jeans, to clothing that personifies a specific western character. For beginners, long sleeved shirts and jeans will do – no tank tops, shorts or ball caps. You will soon discover that part of the fun is the costume and of course, the alias. All real Cowboy shooters have an alias (Ima Quikshot or WB Hickock), which can even be associated with your costume. You can be a movie star and never have to go to Hollywood. Believe me, this is one sport that is really fun, not just for you, but for the whole family.

Old West Cowboys posing

The Shooting Categories

There are several shooting categories. Some are age and gender based and others are equipment based. There is certainly one that will suit you and provide you with a shooting experience that you’ll never forget.